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Beschluss (EU) 2021/2147 der Kommission vom 3. Dezember 2021 über die Zulassung von Ausrüstungen für die Sicherheit in der Zivilluftfahrt mit "EU-Stempel"-Kennzeichnung
(Text von Bedeutung für den EWR)
(ABl. L 433 vom 06.12.2021 S. 25)
Die Europäische Kommission -
gestützt auf den Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union,
gestützt auf die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 300/2008 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 11. März 2008 über gemeinsame Vorschriften für die Sicherheit in der Zivilluftfahrt und zur Aufhebung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2320/2002 1, insbesondere auf Artikel 4 Absatz 3,
in Erwägung nachstehender Gründe:
(1) Die detaillierten Maßnahmen für die Umsetzung der in Artikel 4 Absatz 3 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 300/2008 genannten gemeinsamen Grundstandards umfassen Verfahren für die Zulassung und den Einsatz von Ausrüstungen für die Sicherheit in der Zivilluftfahrt.
(2) Mit der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2015/1998 der Kommission 2 wird ein harmonisiertes Zulassungsverfahren für die Installation von Ausrüstungen für die Sicherheit in der Zivilluftfahrt festgelegt.
(3) Die Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung, dass die Ausrüstungen für die Sicherheit in der Zivilluftfahrt die geforderten Leistungsstandards erfüllen, wurden harmonisiert, damit eine bestmögliche Umsetzung der gemeinsamen Grundstandards für die Luftsicherheit gewährleistet ist.
(4) Die Kommission erkennt den gemeinsamen Bewertungsprozess der Europäischen Zivilluftfahrtkonferenz als zwingende Voraussetzung für die Zulassung von Ausrüstungen für die Sicherheit in der Zivilluftfahrt an. Die Kommission vergibt eine befristete "EU-Stempel vorläufig"-Kennzeichnung für Ausrüstungen nach Bestätigung durch den gemeinsamen Bewertungsprozess erst, nachdem sie die Berichte der Stufe 2 erhalten hat.
(5) Sicherheitsausrüstungen, die auf nationaler Ebene abweichend von dem harmonisierten Verfahren zugelassen wurden, sollten nicht automatisch die "EU-Stempel"-Kennzeichnung erhalten. Die Kommission kann eine befristete "EU-Stempel vorläufig"-Kennzeichnung für Ausrüstungen, die auf nationaler Ebene zugelassen wurden, erst vergeben, nachdem sie die Prüfberichte erhalten hat.
(6) Die Kommission sollte für die Vergabe einer "EU-Stempel"-Kennzeichnung für Ausrüstungen, die einen befristeten Kennzeichnungsstatus "EU-Stempel vorläufig" erhalten haben, einen Beschluss erlassen.
(7) Die Kommission sollte eine konsolidierte Unionsdatenbank pflegen, in der die Ausrüstungen geführt werden, die in der gesamten Union installiert und verwendet werden dürfen
- hat folgenden Beschluss erlassen:
Die Liste der zugelassenen Ausrüstungen für die Sicherheit in der Zivilluftfahrt mit "EU-Stempel"-Kennzeichnung ist im Anhang aufgeführt.
Die "Unionsdatenbank zur Sicherheit der Lieferkette - Sicherheitsausrüstungen" ist entsprechend zu aktualisieren.
Dieser Beschluss tritt am Tag nach seiner Veröffentlichung im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union in Kraft.
Brüssel, den 3. Dezember 2021
2) Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2015/1998 der Kommission vom 5. November 2015 zur Festlegung detaillierter Maßnahmen für die Durchführung der gemeinsamen Grundstandards für die Luftsicherheit (ABl. L 299 vom 14.11.2015 S. 1).
Liste der zugelassenen Ausrüstungen für die Sicherheit in der Zivilluftfahrt mit "EU-Stempel"-Kennzeichnung ("EU Stamp") | Anhang |
Erster Teil
Neue Einträge
1. Metalldetektorschleusen (WTMD)
WTMD-Geräte, die den Lokalisierungstest bestanden haben, können in Verbindung mit Schuh-Metalldetektoren verwendet werden und erhalten die Bezeichnung (SMD).
Für die Bewertung von WTMD-Geräten (Standard 1 und 2) besteht keine Anforderung für eine Höchstquote der Nichtbedrohungsalarme.
Spezifische Kennung | Hersteller | Bezeichnung | Detaillierte Konfiguration | Standard | Status | ||||
Hardware | Detektions-Algorithmus | Systemsoftware | Zusätzliche Hardware | Betriebskonzeption | |||||
WTMD000001 | CEIA S.p.A | 02PN10K-EVO | 02PN10K/PZ-EVO V2.00x Control Unit Board SCD73 Antenna: SS65 | PV 1010, IS=EU-STD-2 | n/a | n/a | FI060K0098v1103xUK (Quick guide) | 2 (SMD) | EU Stamp |
WTMD000002 | CEIA S.p.A | HI-PE PLUS | HIPEPLUS/PZ Antenna: SS65 | LXDA2000 | n/a | n/a | FI060K0108v2300 | 2 (SMD) | EU Stamp |
WTMD000003 | Rapiscan | Metor 6E | Electronics, p/n 23106448 Antenna: Coil Set1, p/n 23109437, Coil Set2, p/n 23109438 | Software, Detection Core, Metor 6E p/n 101021459, v1.00, EU2 | n/a | n/a | CONOPS, ECAC CEP, Metor 6E, "Quick Guide, p/n D01499, v1 | 2 | EU Stamp |
WTMD000004 | Nuctech | MD2000 | 1.0 Antenna: MBP1-2.13 MBP2-2.13 | | n/a | n/a | V1.0 / 01-2020 | 2 | EU Stamp |
WTMD000005 | CEIA S.p.A | PMD3 Plus | PMD3Plus/PZ Antenna: SS65 | LXDA2000 | n/a | n/a | FI060K0108v2310 | 2 (SMD) | EU Stamp |
WTMD000006 | CEIA S.p.A | 02PN20 | 02PN20/PZ Antenna: SS65 | LXDA2000 (EU-STD-2) | n/a | n/a | FI060K0108v2320 | 2 (SMD) | EU Stamp |
2. Metalldetektor-Handgeräte (HHMD)
Absichtlich frei gelassen.
3. Röntgengeräte
Absichtlich frei gelassen.
4. Sprengstoffdetektoren (EDS-GERÄTE)
4.1. EDS-Geräte für aufgegebenes Gepäck
Bei allen vollständigen Prüfungen, die vor dem 1. Januar 2016 begonnen wurden, wurde die Konfiguration für das Detektionsvermögen bei Abschirmung nicht untersucht.
Der Begriff "Tray" (Behälter) kann Taschen, Tuben, Dosen usw. bezeichnen.
Konfigurationen, die dem EDS-Standard 3.1 entsprechen, gelten automatisch als konform mit EDS-Standard 3.
Spezifische Kennung | Hersteller | Bezeichnung | Detaillierte Konfiguration | Standard | Status | ||||
Hardware | Detektions-Algorithmus | Systemsoftware | Zusätzliche Hardware | Betriebskonzeption | |||||
EDSHB00001 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 EDtS | HS 10080 EDtS | 02-51-09 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00002 | Smiths Detection | XRD 3500 | Varian MCS-7074A X-Ray Tube CANBERRA Germanium Detector | Library "ECAC - Nr | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00003 | Reveal Imaging Technologies | CT80DR | CT80DR | 4.2.14 | | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00004 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 EDX 2is | HS 10080 EDX-2is | 05-80-09 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00005 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9400 DSi | CTX 9400 | Inspection:
GInsp_2.3.0 ECACa Reconstruction: Recon_2.0.2 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00006 | Leidos | eXaminer XLB | 10-70500-01 | 06.17 | 00.45 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00007 | Smiths Detection | CTX 5800 | CTX 5800 | Inspection: 5800 ECAC SB CB 2.17.7 Reconstruction: 3.1.2 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00008 | Leidos | eXaminer SX | 10-64987-01 | 5.11 | 01.01 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00009 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555 aTiX | HS 7555 aTiX | 06-41-09 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00010 | Leidos | eXaminer 3DX-ES | 1000-11700-00 | 112.3 | 8.2 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00011 | Leidos | MVT HR | 1000-10001-HR | 6.5.2Eg n200 | 5.3.11 | No tray | n/a | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00012 | Rapiscan | MVXR 5000 | MVXR5000-Mk4 | 6.3 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00013 | Rapiscan | RTT80 | RTT80 | 1.0.12 | 7.02 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00014 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | CTX 9800 High-Speed Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECAC HS CB 2.18.1 Reconstruction: 3.3.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00015 | Smiths Detection | CTX 5500 DS | CTX 5500 | Inspection: p 17_0_0 Reconstruction: trecon 3.0.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00016 | Leidos | eXaminer 3DX | Part no: 200001 | 112.3 | 8.2 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00017 | Nuctech | XT2080 | XT2080 | DPC 1.1 EDS 1.1 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00018 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | RR-07-05 | n/a | No tray | " CT only detection and LS " mode or "CT only detection" mode. | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00019 | Leidos | eXaminer 3DX | Part no: 200001 | 112.3 | 7.1 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00020 | Leidos | eXaminer XLB | 10-70500-01 | 06.17 | 04 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00021 | Smiths Detection | CTX 5800 | CTX 5800 with Checkerboard | Inspection: 5800 ECAC SB CB 2.18.6 Reconstruction: 5800 CB 4.0.1 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00022 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | CTX 9800 High-Speed with Checkerboard | Inspection: 9800 ECAC HS CB 2.18.6 Reconstruction: 9800 CB 4.0.1 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00023 | Rapiscan | RTT110 | RTT110 | 1.0.22 | 8.13 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00024 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 07-20-09 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00025 | Leidos | eXaminer 3DX | eXaminer 3DX | 112.5 | 10.1 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00026 | Leidos | eXaminer 3DX-ES | 200001 | 112.5 | 10.1 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00027 | Leidos | eXaminer SX | 10-64987-01 | 5.14 | 06 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00028 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 7.6.2 L200 | 1.0 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00029 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 7.6.2 S200 | 1.0 | No tray | n/a | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00030 | Smiths Detection | CTX 5800 | CTX 5800 with Checkerboard | Inspection: 5800 ECAC SB CB 2.18.13 Reconstruction: 5800 CB 4.0.1 SC | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00031 | Smiths Detection | CTX 5800 | CTX 5800 with Checkerboard | Inspection: 5800 ECDMD SB CB 2.18.13 Reconstruction: 5800 CB 4.0.1 SC | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00032 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 EDtS | HS 10080 EDtS | 07-32-09 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00033 | Rapiscan | RTT110 | RTT110 | 1.0.24 | 8.13 | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00034 | Reveal Imaging Technologies | CT-120 | CT-120 | | n/a | No tray | P/N 81080 Revision3 Draft | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00035 | Reveal Imaging Technologies | CT-120 | CT-120 | | n/a | No tray | P/N 81080 Revision3 Draft | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00036 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | CTX 9800 High-Speed with Checkerboard | Inspection: 9800 ECAC HS CB 2.18.17 Reconstruction: 9800 CB HS 4.0.1 SC | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00037 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | CTX 9800 High-Speed with Checkerboard Modified 605577-1, per DW 1365.2 | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD HS CB 2.18.18 Reconstruction: 9800 CB HS 4.0.1 SC | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00038 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 EDX 2is | HS 10080 EDX-2is | 08-01-09 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00039 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 8.0.3 S200 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00040 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 08-27-16 | n/a | Tray: Crisplant Material n°: CrisBag® V5 SBT 507B595.XXX, Art. n°: 7308972 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00041 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 08-27-16 | n/a | Tray: Crisplant Material n°: CrisBag® V5 LBT 507B596.XXX, Art. n°: 7308974 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00042 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 08-27-16 | n/a | Tray: FRAPORT Material n°: M020745 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00043 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 08-27-16 | n/a | Tray: Vanderlande Material n°:011505-393-00001 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00044 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 08-27-16 | n/a | Tray: Vanderlande Material n°:011505-890-00001 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00045 | Leidos | eXaminer XLB | 10-70500-01 | 06.27 | 04 | Tray: Crisplant - CrisBag® V5 SBT, Art. N°: 7308972 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00046 | Nuctech | XT2080AD | XT2080AD DHV 1.0 | OIS V2.0.004 Algorithm V3.1.18 OIS V2.0.008 Algorithm V3.1.18 | n/a | No tray | V1.2 | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00047 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD HS CB 3.0.5 Recon Prep: LibPrep 9800 HS CB DMA 6.0.0 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 6.0.2 | n/a | Tray: Beumer / Crisplant 7308972 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00048 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD HS CB 3.0.5 Recon Prep: LibPrep 9800 HS CB DMA 6.0.0 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 6.0.2 | n/a | Tray: Vanderlande long 011531-727-00001 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00049 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD HS CB 3.0.5 Recon Prep: LibPrep 9800 HS CB DMA 6.0.0 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 6.0.2 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00050 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 8.4.6 L200 | n/a | Tray: Vanderlande SBT, Item No. 011505-890-00001 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00051 | Nuctech | XT2100 | XT2100 DHV 1.0 | OIS V2.0.004 Algorithm V3.1.22 OIS V2.0.008 Algorithm V3.1.22 OIS V2.0.004 Algorithm V3.1.23 OIS V2.0.008 Algorithm V3.1.23 | n/a | No tray | CONOPS: V1.2 | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00052 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD HS CB 3.0.5 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 8.0.0 Recon Post: Postproc SC 8.0.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00053 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECAC HS CB 3.0.5 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 8.0.0 Recon Post: Postproc SC 8.0.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00054 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD HS CB 3.0.5 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 8.0.0 Recon Post: Postproc SC TUB 8.0.0 | n/a | Tray: Beumer / Crisplant 400B767 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00055 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 08-28-19 | n/a | Trays:
Crisplant CrisBag NG Tray V3 part n°: 400B767 and 419B629 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00056 | SureScan | x1000 | x1000 - HiSpeed (Stationary Gantry) | 4.0.0 | n/a | No tray | x1000B-i1310-A01 - x1000 Scanner Operations Manual, x1000B-i1310-B00 - x1000 Scanner Operations Manual | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00057 | Reveal Imaging Technologies | CT-120 | CT-120 | | n/a | No tray | P/N 81080 Revision3 Draft | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00058 | Reveal Imaging Technologies | CT-120 | CT-120 | | n/a | No tray | P/N 81080 Revision3 Draft | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00059 | Reveal Imaging Technologies | CT-120 | CT-120 | | n/a | No tray | P/N 81080 Revision3 Draft | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00060 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECAC HS CB 3.0.5 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 8.0.2 Recon Post: Postproc SC 8.0.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00061 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD HS CB 3.0.5 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 8.0.2 Recon Post: Postproc SC 8.0.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00062 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 8.5.2 L200 | n/a | Tray: Crisplant CrisBag V5 SBT, Art. N°7308972 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00063 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | XT2100HS | OIS V2.0.008 Algorithm V3.1.24 | n/a | No tray | V1.0 | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00064 | Smiths Detection | CTX 5800 | CTX 5800 | Inspection: 5800 ECAC SB EDM 3.0.16 Reconstruction: 9.1.1 Recon Post: 9.1.1 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00065 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 8.5.4 L200 | n/a | Tray: Fraport AG, Art. N°M020745 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00066 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | XT2100HS DHV 1.0 | OIS V2.0.008 Algorithm V3.1.26 | n/a | No tray | V1.0 | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00067 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 Dsi (0.5 m/s configuration) | 1003589-02 | Inspection: 9800 ECAC UHS EDM 3.0.18 Reconstruction: 9.2.0 Recon Post: 9.2.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00068 | SureScan | x1000 (0.5 m/s configuration) | x1000 - HiSpeed.5 (Stationary Gantry) | 4.6.0 | n/a | No tray | x1000B-i1310-A01 - x1000 Scanner Operations Manual, x1000B-i1310-B00 - x1000 Scanner Operations Manual | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00069 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 8.9.6 L200 | n/a | Tray: Crisplant CrisBag V5 LBT, Art. N°7308974 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00070 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D2 | 8.9.4 N200 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00071 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 09-21-09 | n/a | Tray: BigBear BBF11012 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00072 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | XT2100HS DHV 1.0 XT2100HS DHV 1.1 | Algorithm V3.1.27 | n/a | Tray: Beumer CrisBag® tote No. 843139000, Vanderlande tote No. 011505-393-00001 | V2.0, V3.0 | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00073 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | XT2100HS DHV 1.0 XT2100HS DHV 1.1 | Algorithm V3.1.27 | n/a | Tray: Vanderlande Assy Carrier No. 001036-241-00002 | V2.0, V3.0 | 2 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00074 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | XT2100HS DHV 1.0 XT2100HS DHV 1.1 | V3.1.28.2 | n/a | No tray | V1.0, V3.0 | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00075 | Nuctech | XT2100-R | XT2100-R DHV 1.0 | Algorithm V3.1.27 | n/a | Tray: Beumer CrisBag® tote No. 843139000, Vanderlande tote No. 011505-393-00001 | V1.0 | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00076 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 9.0.4 S100 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00077 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 9.0.4 S200 | n/a | Tray: Crisplant CrisBag® V3 SBT, Art. No. 400B767 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00078 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 9.0.5 S100 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00079 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 9.1.2 L200 | n/a | Tray: Vanderlande, Item No. 001036-241-00002 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00080 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 09-21-09 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00081 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 09-47-17 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00082 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 Dsi (0.5 m/s configuration) | 1003589-03 | Inspection: 9800 ECAC UHS EDM 3.1.17 Reconstruction: 9.2.0 Recon Post: 9.2.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00083 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 Dsi (0.5 m/s configuration) | 1003589-03 | Inspection: 9800 ECAC UHS EDM 3.2.0 Reconstruction: 9.2.0 Recon Post: 9.2.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00084 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 Dsi (0.5 m/s configuration) | 1003589-03 | Inspection: 9800 ECAC UHS EDM 3.2.1 Reconstruction: 9.2.0 Recon Post: 9.2.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00085 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 Dsi (0.3 m/s configuration) | CTX 9800 DSi (0.3 m/s configuration) | Inspection:
ECAC HS EDM 3.1.4 Reconstruction: 9.2.0 Recon Post: 9.3.3 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00086 | SureScan | x1000 (0.5 m/s configuration) | x1000 - HiSpeed.5 (Stationary Gantry); (200000009900B ASSY, TOP LEVEL) | 4.6.1 | n/a | No tray | x1000B-i1310-C00 - x1000 Scanner Operations Manual | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00087 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 Dsi (0.5 m/s configuration) | CTX 9800 Dsi (0.5 m/s configuration) | Inspection: 9800 ECAC UHS EDM 3.1.17 Reconstruction: 9.2.0 Recon Post: 9.3.6 | n/a | VANDERLANDE tray (Ref: 001036-241-00002) | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00088 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 09-21-09 | n/a | VANDERLANDE tray (Ref: 001036-241-00002) VANDERLANDE tray (Ref: 001036-103-00001) | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00089 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi | MD Checkerboard HS Configuration | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD HS CB 3.0.5 Reconstruction: LibRecon 9800 HS CB DMA 8.0.2 Recon Post: Postproc SC TUB 8.0.0 | n/a | Tray: Beumer / Crisplant 400B767 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00090 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D1 | 9.7.5 L100 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00091 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 Dsi (0.5 m/s configuration) | CTX 9800 DSi Comet x-ray tube (0.5 m/s configuration) | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD UHS EDM 3.6.0 Reconstruction: 9.2.0 Recon Post: 9.2.0 | n/a | No tray | n/a | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00092 | Rapiscan | RTT110 | RTT110 | 1.0.47 | 8.14 | Bigbear Tray (ref: BFF11012) | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00093 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | XT2100HS DHV 1.0 XT2100HS DHV 1.1 | Algorithm V3.1.30 | n/a | No tray | CONOPS XT2100HS v1.0 | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00094 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | XT2100HS DHV 1.0 XT2100HS DHV 1.1 | Algorithm V3.1.31 | n/a | No tray | CONOPS XT2100HS v1.0 | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00095 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | DHV 1.1 | Algorithm v3.1.36 | n/a | Daifuku (P/N BTSP0007001C) | CONOPS XT2100HS v3.0 | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00096 | Rapiscan | RTT110 | RTT110 | 1.4.04 | 8.14 | No tray | n/a | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00097 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | DHV 1.1 | Algorithm V3.1.39 | n/a | Vanderlande (P/N 011505-707-00001) | CONOPS XT2100HS V3.0 (dated 2018-08-06) | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00098 | Rapiscan | RTT110 | RTT110 | EDS v1.4.04 | 8.14 | No Tray | n/a | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00099 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 10080 XCT | HS 10080 XCT | 09-63-09 | n/a | Tray : AENA.MAD-001 No tray | n/a | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00100 | Smiths Detection | CTX 9800 DSi (0.5 m/s configuration) | CTX 9800 DSi Comet x-ray tube (0.5 m/s configuration) | Inspection: 9800 ECDMD UHS EDM 3.6.2 Reconstruction: 9.2.0 Recon Post: 9.2.0 | n/a | No Tray | n/a | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00101 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | XT2100HS DHV 1.0 XT2100HS DHV 1.1 | Algorithm v3.1.37 | n/a | Beumer ChrisBag tote (P/N 843139000) Vanderlande Tote 850 (P/N 011505-393-00001) Vanderlande Assy Carrier (P/N 001036-241-00002) | CONOPS XT2100HS V2.0 dated 2016-12-21 | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00102 | Nuctech | XT2100HS | DHV 1.1 | Algorithm V3.1.40 | n/a | Beumer/Crisplant, Crisbag (P/N CB3110) | CONOPS XT2100HS V3.0 (dated 2018-08-06) | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00103 | Rapiscan | RTT110 | RTT110 | EDS v1.0.50 | 8.14 | No tray Daifuku Logan BTSP0007001A BigBear BBF11012 | n/a | 3.0 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00104 | Leidos | MV3D | 1000-10001-D2 | 10.1.2 H100 | n/a | No Tray | n/a | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00105 | Rapiscan | RTT110 | RTT110 | EDS 1.0.64 | 8.14 | Tray: Beumer Crisbag V5 SBT No. 7308972 | n/a | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00106 | SureScan | x1000 (0.5 m/s configuration) | x1000 - HiSpeed.5 (Stationary Gantry) | | n/a | Tray: Vanderlande No. 001036-103-00001 | x1000B-i1310-C01 | 3 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00107 | SureScan | x1000 (0.5 m/s configuration) | x1000 - HiSpeed.5 (Stationary Gantry) | | n/a | Tray: Vanderlande No. 001036-103-00001 | x1000B-i1310-C01 | 3.1 | EU Stamp |
EDSHB00108 | SureScan | x1000 (0.5 m/s configuration) | x1000 - HiSpeed.5 (Stationary Gantry) | | n/a | Tray: CrisBag® V5 SBT 507B595.XXX | x1000B-i1310-C01 | 3 | EU Stamp |
4.2. EDS-Geräte für Handgepäck
Die für EDS-Geräte für Handgepäck angewandte Betriebskonzeption hängt vom erreichten Standard ab.
Standard C1: Elektronische Geräte sowie Flüssigkeiten, Aerosole und Gele (LAG) müssen für die Kontrolle entfernt werden.Standard C2: Ermöglicht die Kontrolle von Gepäck, das tragbare Computer und andere größere elektrisch betriebene Gegenstände enthält.
Standard C3: Ermöglicht die Kontrolle von Gepäck, das tragbare Computer und andere größere elektrisch betriebene Gegenstände sowie LAG enthält.
Standard C4: Identische Betriebskonzeption wie bei Standard C3.
Spezifische Kennung | Hersteller | Bezeichnung | Detaillierte Konfiguration | Standard | Status | ||||
Hardware | Detektions-Algorithmus | Systemsoftware | Zusätzliche Hardware | Betriebskonzeption | |||||
EDSCB00001 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-12-23 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00002 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 200.3.0 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray: 12043-SLT | CONOPS 1 SRT | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00003 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 200.3.0 | n/a | Scarabee tray: SSL01_XA001_NH | CONOPS 1 SRT | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00004 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS | EDS_1.2.5 | n/a | Herbert tray: 91280AS | 8100-26282-OM | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00005 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS | EDS_1.2.5 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray: 12043-SLT | 8100-26282-OM | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00006 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS | EDS_1.2.5 | n/a | Scarabee tray: SSL01_XA001_NH | 8100-26282-OM | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00007 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-15-17 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00008 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-15-17 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00009 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-15-20 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00010 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-15-19 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00011 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-15-12 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00012 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-15-13 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00013 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-16-23 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00014 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-16-23 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00015 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-15-12 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00016 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-15-13 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00017 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-15-14 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00018 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-15-14 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00019 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-15-16 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00020 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-16-26 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00021 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-17-16 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00022 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-17-26 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00023 | Smiths Detection | XDi | XDi | XDi-CBS-C-v1.0 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey Tray (P/N 34460689) | 2.13 | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00024 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.04 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N 21-06027-01) | 16-01519 Rev.00-2016 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00025 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-15-20 | n/a | Smiths Detection Tray (P/N 34486990) Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00026 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-16-23 | n/a | Smiths Detection Tray (P/N 34486990) Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00027 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 201.1.1 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) | Detect 1000 user guide Revision 3.0 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00028 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 201.1.1 | n/a | Scarabee tray: SSL01_XA001_NH | Detect 1000 user guide Revision 3.0 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00029 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS | EDS_1.4.14 | n/a | Herbert tray: 91280AS | 8100-26282-OM | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00030 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS | EDS_1.4.15 | n/a | Scarabee tray: SSL01_XA001_NH | 8100-26282-OM | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00031 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS | EDS_1.4.18 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) | 8100-26282-OM | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00032 | Nuctech | Kylin | DHV 1.0 | v3.5.7 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet Tray v4 P10128 revA | v1.0 | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00033 | Nuctech | Kylin | DHV 1.0 | v3.5.9 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet Tray v4 P10128 revA | v1.0 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00034 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.07 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N 21-06027-01) | 16-01519 Rev.00-2016 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00035 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 AMX | 37548400-001 | 3AUE0294-005 | n/a | Gilardoni Tray (P/N 55203181) | 37640500-001 37640500-004 | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00036 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-10-00 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 34460689) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00037 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-18-13 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 34460689) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00038 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-18-24 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 34460689) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00039 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.04 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N 21-06027-01)) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00040 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.07 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N 21-06027-01) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00041 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-14-00 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N SSL01_XA003_NH) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00042 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-14-00 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray (P/N 34486990) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00043 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-20-00 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 34460689) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00044 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-20-00 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N SSL01_XA003_NH) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00045 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-20-00 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray (P/N 34486990) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00046 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 314.0.1 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray: 12043-SLT | Detect 1000 user guide Revision 3.0 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00047 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 314.0.1 | n/a | Scarabee tray: SSL01_XA001_NH | Detect 1000 user guide Revision 3.0 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00048 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 205.0.0 | n/a | Scarabee tray: SSL01_XA001_NH | Detect 1000 user guide Revision 3.0 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00049 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 205.0.0 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray: 12043-SLT | Detect 1000 user guide Revision 3.0 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00050 | Nuctech | CX6040D | n/a | Eda V1.0.0 | n/a | Nuctech NUC680 tray (P/N v1) Vanderlande Scannojet tray v4 P10128 RevA | CONOPS CX6040D V1.0 | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00051 | Nuctech | CX6040D | n/a | Eda V1.0.0 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet tray v4 P10128 RevA | CONOPS CX6040D V1.0 | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00052 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-27-00 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 34460689) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00053 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-27-00 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray P/N 34486990) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00054 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-19-23 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet tray (P/N 10128 / 095527-727) | 95596016 | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00055 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.07 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 42112482) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00056 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.11 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00057 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS | EDS_1.4.25 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray: (P/N 12043-SLT) | 8100-26282-OM | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00058 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS | EDS_1.4.25 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N SSL01_XA001_NH) | 8100-26282-OM | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00059 | Nuctech | Kylin Ti | Kylin Ti DHV 1.0 | v3.6.10 | n/a | Nuctech NUC680 tray (P/N v1) | Kylin Ti v1.0 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00060 | Rapiscan | 620DV | n/a | 4.517 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 101005244) | D00370 Rev.1 | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00061 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.07 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 42112482) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00062 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.11 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00063 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-31-00 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray (P/N 34486990) | 95596016 Rev. 1 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00064 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-30-00 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 34460689) | 95596016 Rev. 1 (2017/09/26) | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00065 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-30-00 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N SSL01_XA003_NH) | 95596016 Rev. 1 (2017/09/26) | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00066 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-30-00 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray (P/N 34486990) | 95596016 Rev. 1 (2017/09/26) | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00067 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-31-00 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N SSL01_XA003_NH) | 95596016 Rev. 1 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00068 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-31-00 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 34460689) | 95596016 Rev. 1 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00069 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-19-19 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N P10128 / 095527-727) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00070 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-15-13 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray (P/N 34486990) Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00071 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.15.01 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00072 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.15.01 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 42112482) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00073 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.15.01 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00074 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.17.02 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 42112482) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00075 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.17.02 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00076 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | v9.17.01 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00077 | Nuctech | Kylin MV | DHV 1.0 | 7.0.3 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet Tray v4 P10128 revA | v1.0 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00078 | Nuctech | Kylin MV | DHV 1.0 | 7.0.3 | n/a | Nuctech NUC680 tray (P/N v1) | v1.0 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00079 | Nuctech | Kylin Ti | Kylin Ti DHV 1.0 | 3.6.10 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet Tray v4 P10128 revA | Kylin Ti v1.0 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00080 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.15.01 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 42112482) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00081 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.15.01 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00082 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.15.01 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00083 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.17.02 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 42112482) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00084 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.17.02 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00085 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.17.01 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00086 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-70-23 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet tray (P/N P10128 / 095527-727) | 95596016 | C2 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00087 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 326.0.0 | n/a | Tray: VanDerLande Bandeja Scannojet | Mfg. No. 1000D1000v4.0 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00088 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040CTiX | 20-30-00 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) Vanderlande (P10128 / 095527-727) | 95596016 | C2 and C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00089 | Analogic | ConneCT | n/a | 9.19.04 | n/a | Herbert (P/N 42112482) MacDonald Humfrey (P/N 12043-SLT) Vanderlande (P/N 095527-727) | 16-01519-rev03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00090 | Rapiscan | 920CT | n/a | 9.19.04 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 42112482) MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 101014944 Rev 2 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00091 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040CTiX | 20-36-00 | n/a | Smiths (P/N 34486990) Mac Donald Humfrey (P/N34460689) Scarabee (P/N SSL01_XA003_NH) | 95596016 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00092 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040CTiX | 20-41-00 | n/a | Smiths (P/N 34486990) Mac Donald Humfrey (P/N34460689) Scarabee (P/N SSL01_XA003_NH) | 95596016 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00093 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 HS | Detect 1000 | 326.0.0 | n/a | OneTray Tray (P/N OT_VAS007) OneTray (P/N OT-VAS013) OneTray (P/N OT-VAS015) OneTray (P/N OT-VAS016) | IDSS_REP-077_Detect1000_ConOps_Rev0 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00094 | Nuctech | CX7555D | CX7555D.A03N | EDA 1.0.2 | n/a | Nuctech NUC680 tray (P/N v3); Vanderlande Scannojet tray 95527-727 (P10128 revA); MacDonald Humfrey tray (12043-SLT) | CONOPS_CX7555D_EDSCB_V1.0_20190716 | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00095 | Leidos | ClearScan 1060HS | 1000-10001-CSU | EDS-1.4.33 | n/a | Vanderlande (P/N 095527-727) | 8100-26282-OM Rev A5 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00096 | Leidos | ClearScan 1060HS | 1000-10001-CSU | EDS-1.4.41 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) | 8100-26282-OM Rev A5 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00097 | Leidos | ClearScan 1060HS | 1000-10001-CSU | EDS-1.4.42 | n/a | Scarabee tray (P/N SSL01_XA001_NH) | 8100-26282-OM Rev A5 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00098 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 329.0.0 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 91280AS) | Mfg. No. 1000D1000v4.0 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00099 | IDSS Holdings Inc. | Detect 1000 | Detect 1000 | 332.1.0 | n/a | Cassioli tray (P/N S030012FPLT) WO tray (P/N W-280819-000) | IDSS_REP-077_Detect1000_ConOps_Rev0 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00100 | Nuctech | Kylin Ti | Kylin Ti DHV 1.0 | v3.6.12 | n/a | Nuctech NUC680 tray (P/N v3) | Kylin Ti CONOPS v1.2 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00101 | Nuctech | Kylin Ti | Kylin Ti DHV 1.0 | v3.6.13 | n/a | Cassioli tray (P/N S030008FPLT) | Kylin Ti CONOPS v1.2 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00102 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-15-20 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray 3 (P/N 34493797) | 95596016 rev. 02 (2020/03/01) | C1 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00103 | Analogic | ConneCT | ConneCT | v9.23.05 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 101019470) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00104 | Analogic | ConneCT | ConneCT | v9.21.09 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00105 | Analogic | ConneCT | ConneCT | v9.23.04 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey (P/N 12043-SLT) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00106 | Nuctech | Kylin Ti | Kylin Ti | V3.6.23 | n/a | Alfyma tray (P/N RDBA18-PART-000-B) Vanderlande Scannojet tray (P/N 095527-727 / P10128 revA) MacDonald Humfrey tray (P/N 12043-SLT) | Kylin Ti - CONOPS v1.2 (2019/07/03) | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00107 | Rapiscan | 920CT | 920CT | v9.23.05 | n/a | Herbert tray (P/N 101019470) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00108 | Rapiscan | 920CT | 920CT | v9.21.09 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N 095527-727) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00109 | Rapiscan | 920CT | 920CT | v9.23.04 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey (P/N 12043-SLT) | 16-01519 Rev.03-2018 | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00110 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX | 6040 CTiX | 20-50-00 | n/a | OneTray tray (P/N OT_VAS013) Cassioli tray (P/N S030012FPLT) Smiths Detection tray 3 (P/N 34496512) | 95596016 rev.02 (2020/03/01) | C3 | EU Stamp |
EDSCB00111 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-71-27 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray (P/N 34486990) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | C2 | EU Stamp |
5. Bildprojektion gefährlicher Gegenstände (Threat image projection - tip)
Absichtlich frei gelassen.
6. Sprengstoffspurendetektoren (ETD-Geräte)
Das Leistungsvermögen von ETD-Geräten wurde anhand zweier Probenahmeverfahren bewertet:
Das Leistungsvermögen von ETD-Geräten wurde in zwei Anwendungsbereichen bewertet:
Spezifische Kennung | Hersteller | Bezeichnung | Detaillierte Konfiguration | Standard | Status | ||||
Hardware | Detektions-Algorithmus | Systemsoftware | Zusätzliche Hardware | Betriebskonzeption | |||||
ETD0000001 | Smiths Detection | IONSCAN 500DT | 4816800 | AE Rev L | 500DT_3.05.031 | Swab: Part Number 6822254-A Wand: P/N 6820512 | Operational Manual, Rev. A, May 2013, Part Number 6824395ROW | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000002 | Smiths Detection | IONSCAN 600 | 4824000 | IS600 Exp ECAC-1 final ECAC E (24727-1) ECAC E (24766-1) ECAC E (24766A-1) | 441151 9824012-A 9824012-B 9824012-C | Swab: P/N 6824768-01; P/N 1824019-A | Ionscan 600 Quick Start Guide, Part Number 6824007 | (H) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000003 | Bruker Daltonik GmbH | DE-tector | 1824953 | Library B_EXEU_EXPL15 (P/N 1836524) | n/a | Swab: Sample Collector (P/N 8702660) Sample Collector (P/N 8702660-E) Sampling wand: 8702515 | 2014-06-17/Rev. 1.00 (P/N 1829977) 2016-02-01/Rev. 1.01 (P/N 1829977) | (H) / (W) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000004 | Bruker Daltonik GmbH | DE-tector | 1824953 | Library B_EXEU_EXPL16 (P/N 1836522) | n/a | Swab: Sample Collector (P/N 8702660) Sample Collector (P/N 8702660-E) Sampling wand: 8702515 | 2014-06-17/Rev. 1.00 (P/N 1829977) 2016-02-01/Rev. 1.01 (P/N 1829977) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000005 | Bruker Daltonik GmbH | DE-tector | 1824953 | Library B_EXEU_MIXD01 (P/N 1836519) | n/a | Swab: Sample Collector (P/N 8702660) Sample Collector (P/N 8702660-E) Sampling wand: 8702515 | 2014-06-17/Rev. 1.00 (P/N 1829977) 2016-02-01/Rev. 1.01 (P/N 1829977) | (H) / (W) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000006 | Leidos | QS-B220 Mfr. P/N QS-B220-010 | 10011377 | 23176 (P/N 42300086) | n/a | Swab: Sample traps (P/N 42200191) Sampling wand - 10011279 | 42400030 (Quick Start Guide) 42400028 (User Manual) | (H) / (W) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000007 | Leidos | QS-B220 Mfr. P/N QS-B220-011 | 10011377 | 23448 (P/N 42300099) | n/a | Swab: Sample traps (P/N 42200191) Sampling wand - 10011279 | 42400030 (Quick Start Guide) 42400028 (User Manual) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000008 | Leidos | QS-B220 Mfr. P/N QS-B220-012 | 10011377 | 23445 (P/N 42300098) | n/a | Swab: Sample traps (P/N 42200191) Sampling wand - 10011279 | 42400030 (Quick Start Guide) 42400028 (User Manual) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000009 | Leidos | QS-B220 Mfr. P/N QS-B220-013 | 10011377 | 23444 (P/N 42300097) | n/a | Swab: Sample traps (P/N 42200191) Sampling wand - 10011279 | 42400030 (Quick Start Guide) 42400028 (User Manual) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000010 | Leidos | QS-B220 Mfr. P/N QS-B220-014 | 10011334 | 23445 (P/N 42300098) | n/a | Swab: Sample traps (P/N 42200191) Sampling wand - 10011279 | 42400030 (Quick Start Guide) 42400028 (User Manual) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000011 | Rapiscan | ITEMISER 4DX | P0007018-015-CEP | C10.06.11-CEP | n/a | Swab: M0002057 Hand Wand: M0001240 | MA100026-01 / MA100026-02; MA100091 Rev 0C | (H) / (W) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000012 | Rapiscan | ITEMISER 4DX | P0007018-015-CEP | C10.06.14-CEP | n/a | Swab: M0002057 Hand Wand: M0001240 | MA100026-01 / MA100026-02; MA100091 Rev 0C | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000013 | Smiths Detection | IONSCAN 600 | 4824000 | IS600 Exp ECAC-1 final | 9824012-A 9824012-B 9824012-C | Swab: P/N 6824768-01; P/N 1824019-A Sampling Wand: P/N 3824750-1; P/N 3824750-2 | Operational Manual, Rev. A, May 2015, P/N 6824005ROW Additional Guidance for Performing a Wand Sample Analysis Rev. A (Sept 2015) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000014 | Rapiscan | ITEMISER DX | P00007018-014-CEP | 8.89e13CEP | n/a | Swab: M0001964-100 | MA100034-01 / MA100034-02; MA100034-02 Rev E | (H) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000015 | Bruker Daltonik GmbH | RoadRunner | 1860000 | B_RR00_EXPL14 | n/a | Swab: Sample Collector M (P/N 1842394) | 2016-02-16/Rev. 1.00 (P/N 1842342) | (H) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000016 | Nuctech | TR2000DB-A | C 1.00 | | n/a | Swab: BZOA0403000-I-02 Portable swab baker: BZOA0800000-02 | 7.10 | (H) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000017 | Smiths Detection | IONSCAN 600 | 4824000E-101-2 4824000E-101P-2 | ECAC E (24758-1) ECAC E (24758-2) ECAC E (24758-4) ECAC E (24758A-1) ECAC E (24758A-2) ECAC E (24758A-4) | 9824012-D 9824012-E 9824012-F 9824012-K 9824012-R 9824012-T | Swab: P/N 6824768-01; P/N 1824019-A Sampling Wand (Optional): P/N 3824750-1; P/N 3824750-2 | 6824005ROW revision C, January 2016 6824005ROW revision D, Ionscan 600 Quick Start Guide, P/N 6824007 | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000018 | Leidos | QS-B220HT Mfr. P/N QS-B220-017 | 10011377 | 25088 (P/N 42300098) | 1.4 P/N 42300085 | Swab: Sample traps P/N 42200191 Sampling wand P/N 10011451 | 42400030 (Quick Start Guide) 42400028 (User Manual) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000019 | Nuctech | TR2000DB-A | C 1.00 | (Library E11.A04.1611) | n/a | Swab: BZOA0403000-I-02 Portable swab baker: BZOA0800000-02 | 7.10 | (H) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000020 | Nuctech | TR2000DB-A | C 1.00 | (Library E11.A08.1611) | n/a | Swab: BZOA0403000-I-02 Portable swab baker: BZOA0800000-02 | 7.10 | (H) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000021 | Nuctech | TR2000DB-A | NIL2.0 | D17.3.16.66 (Library E11.B01.1707) | n/a | Swab: -04A Portable swab baker: BZOA0800000-02 | v17.06 | (H) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000022 | Rapiscan | ITEMISER 4DX | P00007018-015-CEP | C10.06.23-CEP | n/a | Swab: M0002057 | MA100091 rev0A; MA100091 Rev 0C | (H) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000023 | Leidos | QS-B220HT Mfr. P/N QS-B220-017 | 10011465 | 25088 (P/N 42300098) | 1.4 P/N 42300085 | Swab: Sample traps P/N 42200191 Sampling wand P/N 10011451; Sampling wand: P/N 10011279 | 42400049 (Quick Start Guide) 42400048 (User Manual) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000024 | Bruker Daltonik GmbH | DE-tector | 1824953 | Library B_EXEU_EXPL19 | n/a | Swab: Sample Collector (P/N 8702660) Sample Collector (P/N 8702660-E) | 2016-02-01/Rev. 1.01 (P/N 1829977) 2016-02-01/Rev. 1.01 (P/N 1829977) | (H) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000025 | Bruker Daltonik GmbH | DE-tector | 1824953 | Library B_EXEU_EXPL22 | n/a | Swab: Sample Collector (P/N 8702660) Sample Collector (P/N 8702660-E) Sampling wand: 8702515 | 2016-02-01/Rev. 1.01 (P/N 1829977) 2016-02-01/Rev. 1.01 (P/N 1829977) | (H) / (W) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000026 | Nuctech | TR2000DB-A | NIL2.0 | D17.3.16.66 (Library E11.B02.1712) (Library E11.B05.1712) (Library E11.B06.1712) | n/a | Swab: -04A Portable swab baker: BZOA0403000-I-02 | v17.06 | (H) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000027 | Rapiscan | ITEMISER DX | P00007018-014-CEP | 8.89e14CEP | n/a | Swab: S/N M0001964-100 Wand: S/N M1000541 | MA100034-02 Revision C | (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000028 | Bruker Optik GmbH | DE-tector Flex | 1880000 | Library B_EXFL_EXPL10 | n/a | Swab: Sample Collector (P/N 8702660-E) | 2018-09-28 / Rev. 1.02 (P/N 1859473) | (H) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000029 | 1st Detect | TRACER 1000 | 00-10001-01 | 5.2.25 | | Swab: P/N #88-10002-03 P/N #88-10002-05; P/N #88-10002-06; P/N #88-10002-07 | Rev 09, 8/7/2018 | (H) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000030 | 1st Detect | TRACER 1000 | 00-10001-01 | 5.2.31 | | Swab: P/N #88-10002-03; P/N #88-10002-05; P/N #88-10002-06; P/N #88-10002-07 | Rev 09, 8/7/2018 | (H) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000031 | Nuctech | TR2000DC | Detector CIL4.0 Firmware C1.2.0 | D18.9.26 (Library E11.C01.1903) (Library E11.C01.1910) (Library E11.C07.1910) | n/a | Swab: -04A Swab Baker Type-02E | 19.03 | (H) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000032 | Bruker Optik GmbH | DE-tector Flex | 1880000 | B_EXFL_EXPL11 | n/a | Swab: sample collector (P/N 8702660-E) | 2019-08-27/Rev. 1.03, P/N 1859473 | (H) (P) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000033 | Bruker Optik GmbH | DE-tector Flex | 1880000 | B_EXFL_EXPL11 | n/a | Swab: sample collector (P/N 8702660-E) Wand: P/N 8702515 | 2019-08-27/Rev. 1.03, P/N 1859473 | (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000034 | Rapiscan | ITEMISER DX | P0007018-014-CEP | 8.89e16CEP | n/a | Swab: S/N M0001964-100 Wand: S/N M1000541 | MA001147 Rev. 0A; MA100034-02 Rev E | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000035 | Rapiscan | ITEMISER DX | P00007018-014-CEP | 8.89e16CEP | n/a | Swab: S/N M0001964-100 Wand S/N M1000541 | MA001147 Rev. 0A | (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000036 | Nuctech | TR2000DC | Detector CIL4.0 Firmware C1.2.0 | D18.9.26 (Library E11.C01.1903) (Library E11.C01.1910) (Library E11.C07.1910) | n/a | Swab: type -05A with Swab Baker Type-02E; | 20.02 | (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
ETD0000037 | Smiths Detection | IONSCAN 600 | 4824000E-101 4824000E-101P | ECAC E (24758-1) ECAC E (24758A-1) ECAC E (24758-2) ECAC E (24758A-2) ECAC E (24758-4) ECAC E (24758A-4) | n/a | Swab: P/N 6824768-01; P/N 1824019-A Sampling Wand (Optional): P/N 3824750-1; P/N 3824750-2 | 6824005 (Operator Manual) 6824007 (Quick Start Guide) | (H) / (W) (P) / (C) | EU Stamp |
7. Flüssigsprengstoff-Detektoren (LEDS-Geräte)
Gemäß der Betriebskonzeption des Herstellers wurde das Leistungsvermögen von LEDS-Geräten für bestimmte Betriebsarten untersucht:
Bei Verwendung von Geräten des Typs A, B oder C müssen LAG-Behälter aus dem Handgepäck entfernt und gesondert kontrolliert werden;
Bei Verwendung von Geräten des Typs D oder D+ müssen LAG-Behälter nicht aus dem Handgepäck entfernt werden.
Spezifische Kennung | Hersteller | Bezeichnung | Detaillierte Konfiguration | Standard | Status | ||||
Hardware | Detektions-Algorithmus | Systemsoftware | Zusätzliche Hardware | Betriebskonzeption | |||||
LEDS000001 | Kromek | Identifier BLS-1003 | n/a | CMP_SOF_0800 Rev 4 | n/a | n/a | MAL-OPS-0851 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000002 | Nuctech | LS1516BA | DHV 1.0 | AV | V1.2.026.140 | n/a | 2010-06-01 CONOPS-V1-C | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000003 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | n/a | 05-92-30 | n/a | n/a | 95592934, 10/08/2010 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000004 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | n/a | 05-93-30 | n/a | n/a | 95592934, 10/08/2010 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000005 | Veriteque USA, Inc | SwabTek LETK | Test strip batch 200710 | n/a | n/a | n/a | July 2010 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000006 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 06-31-07 | n/a | n/a | 95592934, 10/08/2010 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000007 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 06-31-35 | n/a | n/a | 95592934, 10/08/2010 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000008 | Agilent Technologies | Insight100 | INS100-v1.0 | INS100-27 Rev. 1.0, 1 Sep 2011 | Insight.exe ( Insight100.exe ( | Spectrograph:
Q22244 CCD: DR-324B-FI | INS100-26 Rev. 1.0, 7 Sep 2011 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000009 | Agilent Technologies | Insight100 | INS100-v1.0 | INS100-27 Rev. 1.1, 1 Oct 2011 | Insight100.exe ( Insight100.exe ( | Spectrograph:
Q22244 CCD: DR-324B-FI | INS100-26 Rev. 1.0, 7 Sep 2011 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000010 | Optosecurity | OptoScreener on Smiths 6040i | Smiths 6040i | 6.0 | n/a | OS-3000 | D500-10001 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000011 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 06-41-38 | n/a | n/a | 95592934, 20/09/2011 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000012 | Reveal Imaging Technologies | CT-800 | CT-800 | | n/a | n/a | CT-800 User Guide (P/N 81032) | 2 (D) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000013 | Emisens | EMILI | EMILI 2 | Database 7.1 ECAC_Retest_Jan2012_v3.ini | n/a | n/a | Emili2_ConOP_03; Rev. 2.0 July 2011 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000014 | Emisens | EMILI | EMILI 2 | Database 7.3 ECAC_Retest_Jan2012_v3.ini | n/a | n/a | Emili2_ConOP_03; Rev. 2.0 July 2011 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000015 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 | 05141092 | n/a | 3AUE0217 | OptoScreener OS3000 System 5.8; Software: Acquisition module 6.0; Liquid detection module 6.3 | 37300500-005 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000016 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 AMX | 05141082 | n/a | 3AUE0183 | OptoScreener OS3000 System 5.8; Software: Acquisition module 6.0; Liquid detection module 6.3 | 37300500-005 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000017 | Rapiscan | 620 DV | 620DV | 3.280 | n/a | Tray: 42106376 (Rapiscan) | 92106913 rev 1 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000018 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 06-60-30 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 | 95593780, 30/03/2012 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000019 | Battelle | LS10 | LS10 (635109J5000-10) | v1.3.14.1026 | n/a | Firmware v1.24 | LS10 Operator Manual (635109J0040) | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000020 | Battelle | LS10 | LS10 (635109J5000-10) | v1.3.20.1045 | n/a | Firmware v1.24 | LS10 Operator Manual (635109J0040) | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000021 | Analogic | COBRA | AN6980 | Config 4.192 (261) | n/a | n/a | 1-64812 | 2 (D) / (D+) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000022 | Analogic | COBRA | AN6980 | Config 4.193 (261) | n/a | n/a | 1-64812 | 2 (D) / (D+) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000023 | CEIA | EMA-3 | EMA-3 | PV EMA3 3540, PVCT EMAO 2100 | n/a | n/a | FI200K0015v1116UK | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000024 | FLIR | PaxPoint V2 | n/a | Beta 1.00 | n/a | n/a | 20.08.2010 with one additional page concerning specific sampling for type A tests | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000025 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | TruScreen 580-1281 | n/a | V2.1.0/Build 9119/Conf BLSM-A1-T03E | n/a | n/a | Brochure TSCBR02 with one additional page | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000026 | Kromek | Identifier BLS-1006 | SPF-TEC-1207 | | n/a | BOM-OPS-1006 | CON-OPS-0866 Rev3 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000027 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040i | 901520001 | 06-82-37 | n/a | TIM (Threat Inquest Module) | 95594060 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000028 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6046si | 91150001 | 06-82-38 | n/a | TIM (Threat Inquest Module) | 95594060 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000029 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 06-31-36 | n/a | n/a | 95592934, 20/09/2011 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000030 | Agilent Technologies | Insight100 | INS100-v1.0 | Measurement Software: 1.9.0 | n/a | n/a | INS100-25-EN Revision 2.5 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000031 | FLIR | FIDO X3C | X3 (PNO.: FH-65-A) | Measurement Software: Beta 1.00 Build 319 | n/a | n/a | FIDO X3C Administrator Manual 1.00 Rev A (June 2013) | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000032 | Kromek | Identifier BLS-1006 | SPF-TEC-1207 | | n/a | BOM-OPS-1006 | CON-OPS-0866 Rev3 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000033 | Kromek | Identifier BLS-1006 | SPF-TEC-1207 | | n/a | BOM-OPS-1006 | CON-OPS-0866 Rev3 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000034 | Kromek | Identifier BLS-1006 | SPF-TEC-1207 | | n/a | BOM-OPS-1006 | CON-OPS-0866 Rev3 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000035 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 06-60-32 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 | 95593780, 30/03/2012 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000036 | Agilent Technologies | Insight100 | INS100-v1.0 | Measurement Software: 1.9.0 | n/a | n/a | INS 100-25-EN Rev. 2.5 INS100-24-EN Rev. 1.1 | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000037 | Leidos | ACX6.4-MV (3 view) with Optosecurity XMS® | 1000-MVACX-03 REV:C0 | V 6.7 | n/a | HP Z620 (OS-3000, 5.12) | 8500-10118-00 REV:A1 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000038 | Nuctech | RT1003 | 3.0 | Measurement Software: | n/a | n/a | 7.1.1 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000039 | Optosecurity | OptoScreener on Smiths 6040i | Smiths 6040i | V 6.0 | n/a | HP Z620 (OS3000 - 5.33) | D500-10001 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000040 | Optosecurity | OptoScreener on Smiths 6040i | Smiths 6040i | V 6.0 | n/a | HP Z620 (OS3000 - 6.8.1) | D500-10001 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000041 | Optosecurity | OptoScreener on Smiths 6046si | Smiths 6046si | V 6.5 | n/a | HP Z620 / OS3000 | D500-10001 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000042 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 07-60-30 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 | 95593780, 30/03/2012 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000043 | Battelle | LS10 | LS10 (635109J5000-10) | v1.3.32.1613 v1.3.40.1614 | n/a | Firmware v1.24 | LS10 Operator Manual (635109J0040) | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000044 | Emisens | EMILI | EMILI TS | Measurement Software: ecac_std_v5.1.ini ecac_std_v5.2.ini ecac_std_v5.3.ini | n/a | n/a | EMILI TS Conops 0513 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000045 | Nuctech | LS1516BA | DHV 1.0 | AV AV | V1.2.036.188 | n/a | 2010-06-01 V1-C | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000046 | Osaka University | NuLEDS 1.0 | Nu-1.0 | Nu-1.0 | n/a | No tray | Nu-1.0 2013-11-06 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000047 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 90140002 | 08-12-30 | n/a | n/a | 95584650, 15/09/2013 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000048 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 90140002 | 08-12-35 | n/a | n/a | 95584650, 15/09/2013 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000049 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 06-31-37 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS | 95594586, 22/11/2013 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000050 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 06-31-37 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey Tray | 95594586, 22/11/2013 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000051 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 06-31-38 | n/a | Herbert Tray | 95594585, 22/11/2013 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000052 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 06-31-38 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey Tray | 95594586, 22/11/2013 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000053 | CEIA | EMA-3 | EMA-3 | PV EMA3 3550, PVCT EMAO 2100, AL3 | n/a | n/a | FI200K0015v1122 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000054 | CEIA | EMA-3 | EMA-3 | PVCT EMAO 2100, PVEX EMAX 5311 | n/a | EMA-EXTP-EXA-MS | FI200K0015v1209 | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000055 | Nuctech | RT1003 | 3.0 | Measurement Software: | n/a | n/a | 7.1.1 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000056 | Nuctech | XT2080 X-Ray CT | CH-II 1.2 | LEDS 1.7 | n/a | n/a | 1.1 | 2 (D) / (D+) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000057 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 | 37493500-000 | 3AUE0263-002 | 3AUE0217 | n/a | 37493700-003 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000058 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 AMX | 37548400-000 | 3AUE0263-002 | 3AUE0183-002 | n/a | 37548500-001 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000059 | One Resonance Sensors | MobiLab® BLS | MobiLab® BLS | Measurement Software: 2.01B YM BLS 1402 | n/a | n/a | MobiLab®BLS-Configuration A, February 5th, 2014 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000060 | Agilent Technologies | Insight100 | INS100-v1.0 | Measurement Software: 1.9.0 | Auxiliary Measurement Software: 1.2.0, Grav200.exe (1.0) | Gravkit-v1.0 | INS100-35-EN Revision 1.0 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000061 | Nuctech | LS1516BA | DHV 1.0 | AV AV | V1.2.036.200 | n/a | 2010-06-01 V1-C | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000062 | Nuctech | LS1516BA | DHV 1.0 | AV AV | V1.2.036.200 | n/a | 2013-11-06 V2-B | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000063 | CEIA | EMA-3 | EMA-3 | PV EMA33550, PVCT EMAO 2100, AL4 | n/a | n/a | FI200K0015v1122 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000064 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 90140002 | 08-13-30 | n/a | n/a | 95584650, 15/09/2013 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000065 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 90140002 | 08-14-40 | n/a | n/a | 95584650, 15/09/2013 | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000066 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 | 37493500-000 | 3AUE0263-002 | 3AUE0217-001 | n/a | 37493700-003 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000067 | Nuctech | RT1003E | 2.0 | Measurement Software: 1.1.2 | n/a | n/a | 3.1 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000068 | Rapiscan | 620 DV | 620DV | 3.280 | n/a | Trays: 42112481 (MacDonald Humfrey) 42112482 (Herbert) | 92106913 rev 2 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000069 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 08-51-33 | n/a | CQRTS ST-14 Tray | 95595576, 18/03/2015 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000070 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 | 37493500-001 | 3AUE0263-003 | 3AUE0217-001 | n/a | 37620800-001 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000071 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 AMX | 37548400-001 | 3AUE0263-003 | 3AUE0183-002 | n/a | 37620900-001 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000072 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 08-51-33 | n/a | CQRTS ST-15 Tray | 95595576, 18/03/2015 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000073 | Emisens | EMILI 3 | EMILI 3 | Measurement Software: ecac_std_v6.1.ini | n/a | n/a | EMILI 3 Conops 1214 (Rev. 1 March 2015) | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000074 | Emisens | EMILI 3 | EMILI 3 | Measurement Software: ecac_std_v6.13.ini ecac_std_v6.14.ini | n/a | n/a | EMILI 3 Conops 1214 (Rev. 1 March 2015) | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000075 | Agilent Technologies | Insight200M | Cobalt P/N 071-T008-201 | SORS Detection Software: SORS DLL Measurement software (1.9.0) Metal Detection Software: Gravi200.exe (1.0) | n/a | n/a | INS200M - 25 - EN Revision 1.1 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000076 | Agilent Technologies | Insight200M | Cobalt P/N 071-T008-201 | SORS Detection Software: SORS DLL Measurement software (1.9.0) Metal Detection Software: Gravi200.exe (1.0) | n/a | n/a | INS200M - 24 - EN Revision 1.0 used with INS200M - 25 - EN Revision 1.1 | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000077 | Veriteque USA, Inc | SwabTek LETK | Test strip 082015V2 | n/a | n/a | n/a | LETK082015 v2.0 LETK072016 v3.0 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000078 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS Rev 01 | EDS-1.1.1 | n/a | Scarabee Long Tray | 8100-26903-00 | 2 (D) / (D+) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000079 | Leidos | ClearScan | 1000-10001-CS Rev 01 | EDS-1.1.1 | n/a | Herbert Tray | 8100-26903-00 | 2 (D) / (D+) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000080 | Battelle | LS10 | LS10 (635109J5000-10) | v2.3.40.1705 | n/a | Firmware v1.24 | LS10 Operator Manual (635109J0040) | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000081 | Battelle | LS10 | LS10 (635109J5000-10) | v2.2.14.001 | n/a | Firmware v1.24 | LS10 Operator Manual (635109J0040) | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000082 | Gilardoni | FEP ME 640 AMX | 37548400-001 | 3AUE0263-004 | 3AUE0183-002 | Gilardoni Tray 10461200 | 37637700-001 rev 002 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000083 | Kumahira Co. Ltd. | LSR-M1 | 1.0 | 1.0 | n/a | No tray | 2015/09/26 v1.0 | 2 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000084 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 90140002 | 09-12-30 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS | 95594585, 24/11/2015 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000085 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 08-90-30 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 | 95593780, 30/03/2012 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000086 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 91290001 | 08-90-31 09-12-23 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 | 95593780, 30/03/2012 | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000087 | Nuctech | RT1003EB | 2.0 | Measurement Software: 1.1.3 | n/a | n/a | 2.1 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000088 | Nuctech | RT1003EB | 2.0 | Measurement Software: 1.1.3 | n/a | n/a | 2.1 | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000089 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 09-12-26 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert Tray 2A021 | 95593780, 30/03/2012 | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000090 | DetectaChem | SEEKERe | 2.5.1 | 13.1.0 | n/a | n/a | SEEKERe User Manual (R1.10) | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000091 | DetectaChem | SEEKERe | 2.5.1 | 13.2.2 | n/a | n/a | SEEKERe User Manual (R1.10) | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000092 | DetectaChem | SEEKERe | 2.5.1 | 13.3.0 | n/a | n/a | SEEKERe User Manual (R1.10) | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000093 | Kumahira Co. Ltd. | LSR-M2 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | NIR.DB.ECAC. | 1.00 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000094 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 90140002 | 09-15-19 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000095 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 90140002 | 09-15-20 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000096 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 90140002 | 09-15-18 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000097 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 08-90-31 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000098 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-15-13 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000099 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-16-23 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000100 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 08-90-31 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000101 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-15-13 | n/a | Herbert Tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95594585, 22/11/2013 | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000102 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-16-23 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000103 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 09-15-16 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000104 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 09-15-25 | n/a | Herbert tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000105 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 09-15-25 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000106 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 09-16-26 | n/a | Schoeller Allibert tray 2A021 (P/N 11112352) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000107 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 09-17-16 | n/a | Herbert tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000108 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 91460001 | 09-17-26 | n/a | Herbert tray 91280AS (P/N 34460688) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000109 | Kumahira Co. Ltd. | LSR-M2 | 1.01 | 1.00 | 1.01 | NIR.DB.ECAC. | CONOP v1.00 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000110 | Nuctech | RT1003EB | 2.0 | Measurement Software: 1.1.3 | n/a | n/a | 2.2 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000111 | Nuctech | RT1003EB | 2.0 | Measurement Software: 1.1.3 | n/a | n/a | 2.2 | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000112 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-15-20 | n/a | Smiths Detection Tray (P/N 34486990) Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000113 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-16-23 | n/a | Smiths Detection Tray (P/N 34486990) Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000114 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-18-13 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey Tray (P/N 34460689) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000115 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-18-24 | n/a | MacDonald Humfrey Tray (P/N 34460689) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000116 | Kumahira Co. Ltd. | LSR-M2 | 1.01 | 1.00 | 1.02 | NIR.DB.ECAC. | CONOP v1.01 (24/04/2018) | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000117 | Nuctech | CX6040D | CX6040D.B05N | Lida V1.0.1 | n/a | LTray V1.0 | CX6040D V1.0 (2017-12-01) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000118 | Kumahira Co. Ltd. | LSR-M2 | 1.01 | 1.00 | 1.03 | NIR.DB.ECAC. | CONOP v1.01 (24/04/2018) | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000119 | Rapiscan | 620 DV | n/a | 3.280 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet tray (P/N P10128 / 095527-727) | 92106913, Rev 2 | 1 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000120 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 08-90-31 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray (P/N 34486990) Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000121 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-19-19 | n/a | Vanderlande tray (P/N P10128 / 095527-727) Vanderlande inlay (P/N P13715 / 095535-212) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000122 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-15-13 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray (P/N 34486990) Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000123 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-19-23 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet tray (P/N P10128 / 095527-727) | 95595885 (2016/09/26) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000124 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-70-23 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet tray (P/N P10128 / 095527-727) | 95596016 | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000125 | Kumahira Co. Ltd. | LSR-M2 | 1.01 | 1.01 | V 2.00 V 2.01 | NIR. DB. ECAC | v1.02 (09.02.2019) | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000126 | Kumahira Co. Ltd. | LSR-M2 | 1.01 | 1.01 | V 2.00 V 2.01 | NIR. DB. ECAC No tray | v1.02 (09.02.2019) | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000127 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-16-26 | HX-03-21-A | Smiths Detection Tray (P/N 34486990) Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000128 | X-Ray center | XRC 60-40DV | n/a | | n/a | tray:
Elder engineering(P/N 42106376) Foam (Polyformes, P/N 256412) Bolts (RS components, P/N 12234438) | MCIL Rev.1 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000129 | X-Ray center | XRC 60-40DV | n/a | | n/a | tray:
Elder engineering (P/N 42106376) Foam (Polyformes, P/N 256412) Bolts (RS components, P/N 12234438) | MCIL Rev.1 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000130 | X-Ray center | XRC 60-40DV | n/a | | n/a | tray:
Elder engineering(P/N 42106376) Foam (Polyformes, P/N 256412) Bolts (RS components, P/N 12234438) | MCIL Rev.1 | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000131 | Veriteque USA, Inc | SwabTek LETK | Test strip batch BL 315250 | n/a | n/a | n/a | LTD 29 November 2018 v2.0 | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000132 | Nuctech | CX 7555D | CX7555D.A03N | Lida V1.0.2 | n/a | Tray: LTray V1.0 | CONOPS_CX7555D_LEDS_V 1.0_20190716 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000133 | Rapiscan | 620 DV | n/a | 3.510 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet tray (P/N P10128 / 095527-727) | 92106913, Rev 2 | 1 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000134 | Rapiscan | 620 DV | n/a | 3.500; 3.520 | n/a | Vanderlande Scannojet tray (P/N P10128 / 095527-727) | 92106913, Rev 2 | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000135 | Agilent Technologies | Insight200M | Agilent G6913A with Cobalt internal P/N 071-T008-201 | SORS Detection Software: SORS DLL Measurement software (1.9.0) Metal Detection Software: Gravi200.exe (1.0) | n/a | n/a | Type B PLRM-CUD22 Insight200M CONOPS Rev 2.0 | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000136 | Agilent Technologies | Insight200M | Agilent G6913A with Cobalt internal P/N 071-T008-201 | SORS Detection Software: SORS DLL Measurement software (1.9.0) Metal Detection Software: Gravi200.exe (1.0) | n/a | n/a | Type A PLRM-CUD21 Insight200M CONOPS Rev 2.0 | 3 (A) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000137 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040aTiX | 6040aTiX | 09-16-23 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray 3 (P/N 34495374, with Safety-Walk + RFID-Tag + Liquidinlay) | 95596016 rev. 02 (2020/03/01) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000138 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 7555aTiX | 7555aTiX | 09-71-27 | HX-03-21-A | Smiths Detection Tray (P/N 34486990) | 95596016 (2017/09/26) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000139 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040-2is HR | 6040-2is HR | 09-15-20 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray 3 (P/N 34495374, with Safety-Walk + RFID-Tag + Liquidinlay) | 95596016 rev. 02 (2020/03/01) | 3 (C) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000140 | CEIA | EMA-4 | EMA-4 | ALG1 | n/a | n/a | FI200K048v1000hUK | 3 (B) | EU Stamp |
LEDS000141 | Smiths Detection | HI-SCAN 6040 DV | 6040 DV | 30-00-18 | n/a | Smiths Detection tray 2 (P/N 34482148) Smiths Detection tray 3 (P/N 34495374, with Safety-Walk + RFID-Tag + Liquidinlay) | 95596016 rev. 02 (2020/03/01) | 2 (C) | EU Stamp |
8. Kontrollverfahren mit Einsatz neuer Technologien
Absichtlich frei gelassen.
9. Sprengstoffspürhunde
Absichtlich frei gelassen.
10. Metalldetektoren (MDE-Geräte)
Spezifische Kennung | Hersteller | Bezeichnung | Detaillierte Konfiguration | Standard | Status | ||||
Hardware | Detektions-Algorithmus | Systemsoftware | Zusätzliche Hardware | Betriebskonzeption | |||||
MDE0000001 | CEIA | EMIS 8075 | EMIS_8075_002 | EMIS STD with configurations GOODS 1 and GOODS 2 | SCD V5.800 ALM V5.720 | n/a | FI210K0010v1000 | n/a | EU Stamp |
MDE0000002 | CEIA | EMIS 130160 | EMIS_130160_002 | EMIS STD with configurations GOODS 1 and GOODS 2 | SCD V5.800 ALM V5.720 | n/a | FI210K0008v1000 | n/a | EU Stamp |
MDE0000003 | CEIA | EMIS 130200 | EMIS_130200_002 | EMIS STD with configurations GOODS 1 and GOODS 2 | SCD V5.800 ALM V5.720 | n/a | FI210K0008v1000 | n/a | EU Stamp |
11. Sicherheitsscanner
Gemäß der Betriebskonzeption des Herstellers wurde das Leistungsvermögen von Sicherheitsscannern für eine bestimmte Betriebsart untersucht:
Spezifische Kennung | Hersteller | Bezeichnung | Detaillierte Konfiguration | Standard | Status | ||||
Hardware | Detektions-Algorithmus | Systemsoftware | Zusätzliche Hardware | Betriebskonzeption | |||||
SSC0000001 | Leidos | ProVision ATD (SC-100) | 1600-20834-00 | E3.11.11 | E3.11.11 | n/a | 8500-10216-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000002 | Leidos | ProVision ATD (SC-100) | 1600-20834-00 | EU3.7.51 | EU3.7.51 | n/a | 8500-10216-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000003 | Leidos | ProVision ATD (SC-100) | 1600-20834-00; or 1600-21031-00 | E3.12.11 | E3.12.11 | n/a | 8500-10216-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000004 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E3.12.32 | E3.12.32 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000005 | Smiths Detection | eqo | Configuration document Z7115020 Version 2.0 | 001-085 | BI-01-08-F-000-00 | n/a | V1.7 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000006 | Smiths Detection | eqo | Configuration document Z7115022 Version 1.0 | 001-082 | BI-01-08-F-000-00 | n/a | V1.7 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000007 | Smiths Detection | eqo | Configuration document Z7115023 Version 1.0 | 001-084 | BI-01-08-F-000-00 | n/a | 1.7 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000008 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E3.40.16 | SS4.1.35 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000009 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.10.19 E4.15.19 | SS2.1 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000010 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E3.50.5 E3.55.4 | SS5.1.43 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000011 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.43 | 1.43 | n/a | 1.40 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000012 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.12 | 2.12 | n/a | 2.10 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000013 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.44 | 1.44 | n/a | 1.40 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000014 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.14 | 2.14 | n/a | 2.10 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000015 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.43 | 1.43.2 | n/a | 1.40 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000016 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.44 | 1.44.2 | n/a | 1.40 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000017 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.42 | 1.42.2 | n/a | 1.40 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000018 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.12 | 2.12.2 | n/a | 2.10 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000019 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.13 | 2.13.2 | n/a | 2.10 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000020 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.14 | 2.14.2 | n/a | 2.10 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000021 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.16 | 2.16 | n/a | 2.10 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000022 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.17 | 2.17 | n/a | 2.10 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000023 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E3.70.50 E4.20.50 E4.25.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000024 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.62 | 2.62 / 2.62W | n/a | 2.10 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000025 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | | | n/a | 1.6 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000026 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | | | n/a | 1.6 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000027 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | | | n/a | 1.6 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000028 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.61 | 1.61 / 1.61 W | n/a | 1.40 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000029 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.62 | 1.62 / 1.62 W | n/a | 1.40 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000030 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.60 | 2.60 / 2.60 W | n/a | 2.10 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000031 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.61 | 2.61 / 2.61W | n/a | 2.10 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000032 | Smiths Detection | eqo | 11129800 91470000 | 001-115 | BI-01-09-G-000-04 BI-01-09-G-245-04 | n/a | V1.7 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000033 | Smiths Detection | eqo | 11129800 91470001 | 001-116 | BI-01-09-G-000-04 BI-01-09-G-245-04 | n/a | V1.7 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000034 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | | | n/a | 1.6 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000035 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | | | n/a | 1.6 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000036 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.61 | 3.0.1 / 3.0.1W | n/a | 1.40 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000037 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.62 | 3.0.1 / 3.0.1W | n/a | 1.40 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000038 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.60 | 3.0.1 / 3.0.1W | n/a | 2.10 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000039 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.61 | 3.0.1 / 3.0.1W | n/a | 2.10 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000040 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.62 | 3.0.1 / 3.0.1W | n/a | 2.10 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000041 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | (random switching) E3.70.50 E4.20.50 E4.25.50 | SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000042 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.10 | 3.11 | 3.11 | n/a | 3.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000043 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.30 | 3.30 | n/a | 3.00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000044 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.31 | 3.31 | n/a | 3.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000045 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.32 | 3.32 | n/a | 3.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000046 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | (random switching) E3.50.5 E3.55.4 | SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-0 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000047 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.40.50 E4.45.50 E4.50.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000048 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.61 | 3.0.2 / 3.0.2W | n/a | 1.40 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000049 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS100 | 1.20 | 1.62 | 3.0.2 / 3.0.2W | n/a | 1.40 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000050 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.60 | 3.0.2 / 3.0.2W | n/a | 2.10 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000051 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.61 | 3.0.2 / 3.0.2W | n/a | 2.10 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000052 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS200 | 2.10 | 2.62 | 3.0.2 / 3.0.2W | n/a | 2.10 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000053 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.30 | 3.0.2 / 3.0.2W | n/a | 3.00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000054 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.32 | 3.0.2 / 3.0.2W | n/a | 3.00 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000055 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.55.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000056 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.60.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000057 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.34 | 3.34 | n/a | 3.00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000058 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.35 | 3.35 | n/a | 3.00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000059 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.36 | 3.36 | n/a | 3.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000060 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | (random switching) E4.55.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000061 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | (random switching) E4.60.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000062 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | | | n/a | 1.9 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000063 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | | | n/a | 1.9 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000064 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | (random switching) E4.65.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000065 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.65.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000066 | Smiths Detection | eqo | 11129800 91470001 | 001-112 | BI-01-09-H-000-00 BI-01-09-H-245-00 BI-01-09-L-000-03 BI-01-09-G-000-05 | n/a | V1.7 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000067 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | (random switching) E4.70.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000068 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.40 | 3.40 | n/a | 3.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000069 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.42 | 3.42 | n/a | 3.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000070 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.30 | 3.44 | 3.44 | n/a | 3.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000071 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.85.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 Rev. A0 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000072 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.90.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 Rev. A0 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000073 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.95.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 Rev. A0 | 2 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000074 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | | 2.1.3 | n/a | 1.9 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000075 | Nuctech | MW1000AA | 1.0 | 3.7.1 | 2.1.3 4.1.2 | n/a | 1.10 1.11 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000076 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.108.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 Rev. A0 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000077 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.110.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 Rev. A0 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000078 | Leidos | ProVision 2 (PV-2) | 1600-20982-00 | E4.100.50 | SS5.1.43 SS8.1.50 | n/a | 8500-22184-00 Rev. A0 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000079 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.50 | 3.60 | 3.60W | n/a | 1178.5450.02-03.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000080 | Rohde & Schwarz | QPS WALK2000 | 1.04 | AA-2.0.2dev-8540 | 30.04.2019 | n/a | V01 | 1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000081 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.50 | 3.62 | 3.62 | n/a | 1178.5450.02-03.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
SSC0000082 | Rohde & Schwarz | R&S® QPS201 | 3.50 | 3.64 | 3.64 | n/a | 1178.5450.02-03.00 | 2.1 (A) | EU Stamp |
12. Schuh-Scanner
12.1. Schuh-Metalldetektoren (SMD-Geräte)
Kein Eintrag.
12.2. Schuh-Sprengstoffdetektoren (SED-Geräte)
Kein Eintrag.
13. Autoclear-Software (ACS)
Absichtlich frei gelassen.
14. Detektoren für explosionsfähige Dämpfe (EVD-Geräte)
Kein Eintrag.
Zweiter Teil
Änderung von Einträgen
Absichtlich frei gelassen.